I absolutely LOVE Grease. Have been a huge fan since I was a young girl. However, I was quite upset to find that I devoted every Sunday to watching Grease You're the one that I want only to find out that this fabulous production will not be travelling to Arizona. Does anyone know of future plans for this to happen? New York is on the complete opposite side of the US from here and would love to see it.
Oh, and if it travels to Arizona, it might as well make a stop in Kansas so I can see it (again. I do plan to go to NYC and I will see Max and Laura on stage.)
Well most Broadway shows don't start out traveling. Once they have success in the foundation of the theatre district in NYC they then tour. Of course, this isn't always the case as some are tested out in other markets first before moving to NYC (ie, The Lion King.) Mary Poppins started in 2006 and it will tour in 2008 - the only difference is that the cast might and will probably change before it tours.
I guess I just figured that since they made it a TV show for the casting call; that maybe they had plans to take it nationally since people who participated in voting were nationally. If not, they should have only aired the program in NYC. (just my personal feelings)
I guess I just figured that since they made it a TV show for the casting call; that maybe they had plans to take it nationally since people who participated in voting were nationally. If not, they should have only aired the program in NYC. (just my personal feelings)
While I sympathize, I am glad they did the casting this way. Otherwise, we might never have seen Max and Laura and the other dozen great talents that competed on the show. It was a great way to find and highlight new actors (although some in the Broadway community might dispute that).
In order to get a program like this on TV, it takes a lot of time, work and expense and it wouldn't have been possible for a localized market. Plus, a good part of the reason for having the series and casting it this way was to get interest in the show from across the country. Visitors to NYC are a big part of the Broadway income and just because people don't live in New York doesn't mean they don't go there to see plays. I've been several times and I live in Nevada.
The concept for this worked very well in the United Kingdom when they cast Maria for "The Sound of Music." However, England is much smaller and it is easier for people to get to London to see the show.
But to be fair, the show did say they were casting for Broadway, not a tour.
If the show is successful, it might tour, but as someone else said, it probably wouldn't be with Max and Laura.
I understand the disappointment of watching the whole thing and not being able to go. I can't work out a trip very soon, but we happened to have planned an east coast trip for the summer of 2008. My only problem was admitting to my husband that I really, really wanted to go see Max and Laura in Grease, and requesting that we add it to our agenda.
He agreed. Love that guy!
Maybe the show's producers could promote the show by attaching some sort of contest to it. They could advertise it via this site, and give away a trip or two? It'd probably generate some great P.R. dontcha think?
I realize the cast will be different - but Grease hasn't come to Arizona in quite a while. I would love to see it; although it would be great if Max and Laura could be Danny and Sandy here too. Maybe if things change I will be able to visit NYC - however I doubt it.
This has been fun talking with other Grease fans. I have enjoyed your company on this topic.
one thing i hope they do is make a DVD of it just like they made a video of Cats back in the day...i would love to be able to watch the show anytime i want!