I thought this really belonged in the "Making of a Musical" topic but that Topic got a little confusing when contributor's started inserting other items. Anyway.....
Here is a youtube clip that presents an interesting little trip into a broadway star's dressing room. Idina Menzel won a Tony (I think) for her role in Wicked in 2003 or 2004.
She hosts the tour. Maybe later Max and/or Laura can be persuaded to do the same.
The URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcja_b4K4Mo
Gramps, I really enjoyed that! I've seen most of Laura's dressing rooms from past shows she's been in and like Idina, she enjoys decorating her spot a bit with show momentos! She has a quilt that someone from home made her using pictures from the NBC Grease show that were transferred onto fabric--then put together into a quilt and she plans to have that in her dressing room. Idina's talk about intermission breaks and eating snacks and sometimes wondering how you're going to make it through the second half of the show sounded familiar to me too. It is hard as an audience member to remember how much energy the actors are dispensing during the show and how exhausting that can be for them (especially for a very rigorous part). In fact, I have a little concern that some people might eagerly be waiting at the stage door after any given show to see Laura and Max and may find them on a night where they're very tired and really just need to go home pretty quickly. They also must continually respect their voices and not talk a whole lot--especially loudly to a crowd--after shows. I hope people will be understanding of that and not interpret their tiredness or quietness as rudeness or as just being aloof. Nathan is going to be Laura's guardian angel after most shows and if she needs to go home, he will get her there and that could mean not too much talking sometimes at the stage door. Please understand if that happens a night you are there!
Jane, I guess that's what makes our surprise for Max and Laura even better. I don't think it's a secret on this board that one of the ladies took upon herself to start putting together a book for Laura and Max. I don't know what all will be in it but I know that I sent some pages to encourage and bless and hopefully refresh them after a hard day. I know that the people on this board are very thoughtful and I'm sure they'll try to be sensitive to Laura and Max and their need for rest and refreshment. God Bless, RenieFran
While I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to post here, I think you are preaching to the choir when you ask fans to be respectful of Max and Laura's time, privacy and voice. And frankly, I resent the lecture.
Oh, dear. She's just a mom, worrying about her daughter who has made so many life changes in a short time. You can't blame her. Problem is, some fans will understand and allow that space, while others will be motivated by their zeal. Max and Laura will have to be strong and protect themselves. Hopefully Nate will watch out for both of them. And surely they will have the support and aid of other industry professionals in this as well as other aspects of their experience.
While I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to post here, I think you are preaching to the choir when you ask fans to be respectful of Max and Laura's time, privacy and voice. And frankly, I resent the lecture.
-- Edited by greatwhiteway at 03:51, 2007-07-07
While I appreciate anyone's ability to post, some messages should be sent in private.
I am not offended by greatwhiteway's comment so not to worry anyone! He or she obviously is already aware of the taxing demands on actors. But truly, many, many people are not. When I look at the great enthusiasm and support so many people have for Max and Laura on this and other boards and understand the degree of eagerness they have to see the show and hopefully get a few minutes to visit with Max and Laura, I would simply feel sorry if their expectations were gravely disappointed--especially if they did not at least intellectually understand the demands. My own expectations are sometimes disappointed when I get a chance to see or talk to Laura. I don't get much time either! And I understand how that disappointment feels. But I also understand (as a protective Mom) that she must save her voice and guard her energy and must make her husband a top priority. I truly am able to balance my personal disappointment with my intellectual understanding. And that is helpful to me. It is not intended as a lecture, it is intended to possibly help others in the same way too. If it were as basic knowledge to everyone as it seems to be to greatwhiteway then there would not be a need to say anything. But whoever said above that our own enthusiasm can blind us is exactly right. And I am as guilty as anyone in that regard! I will certainly be longing for my Mom time with Laura when I see her, but I too must guard my expectations with my intellectual understanding of the demands on her life right now. If this spared one person a lot of unnecessary disappointment, it was worth writing. And to those of you who already know and understand--thanks.
Jane's concerns are realistic and understandable and her post most appropriate. Resent someone's honest concern for a child? That's difficult to understand.
Ditto! to Kait & Miss Kay. Couldn't have said it better myself. Disappointment is unfourtunetly a part of life, and something everyone has to has to work through one way or another.
Jane's concerns are realistic and understandable and her post most appropriate. Resent someone's honest concern for a child? That's difficult to understand.
I said I resent her lecture, not her concern for her daughter. I understand her concern for her daughter, but I think she showed it in an inappropriate fashion.
As a comparison when the NBC board asked Max if he was going to come to the stage door he answered simply and to the point..."yes, unless I am tired or have somthing to do." I can handle that.
And then I wonder what the family conversation was behind that post. Did Laura give her blessing to these words? If it were my first time on Broadway I certainly would not have my mother publicly discouraging my fans, and sublty threatening them with an "enforcer " , before I sang my first note in the show.
There are professionals who deal with this. Having a well -intentioned mom alienating some fans is not necessary.
I don't feel alienated at all. Nor should you. I think that she was expressing a real concern. I for one appreciate the time that Laura's mom takes to express her feelings.
I agree with reniefran, I don't feel alienated at all either. I'm glad she posted that for people not in the theater business who don't know how tired you can be after a show. Also, fans blinded by enthusiasm, not to mob Laura or Max. It had to be said by someone and I'm glad it was. Even if you already understand this there may be some people that don't and hopefully this was a reality check for them to be careful when approaching Max and Laura. With this understanding they will not have their feelings hurt and that, I feel, is Jane's main concern. She's not being rude, she's looking out for the fans. Anyone could see that Jane is a very caring person and has a big heart, so aside from her worries of Laura, she also cares about the fans and their feelings.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. Or, in fact, you may be correct and I am wrong. Everyone here seems to thni the post is necessary...though interestingly, no one has said it may apply to them.
In any case because it is seen as helpful and even necessary information, maybe it should be brought to the attention of a wider audience. Posted on the message board in broadwayworld.com. printed as an adviso in future GREASE Playbills, added to the itierary of the groups going to see GREASE from Minnesota that Jane mentioned. What do you think. Good idea?
I'm no Doctor, Great White Way, but it seems like you have real anger issues. Why don't you print everything that has been posted on this thread and take it to your therapist. If you don't already have a therapist I would consider getting one quickly.
Ill answer your question if you answer mine.I think it would be completely appropriate to post anything that Jane has written anywhere-as long as it were copied in its entirety.Jane hasnt written anything she should be embarrassed about.There are numerous people who have replied to Janes post and you are the only one who has a problem with what she wrote.Ive reread the post and I still cant imagine why you are upset-I think its worth pointing out that no one seems to agree with you. I suggest you copy all the posts that are attached to this thread and show it to your therapist so that he can help you.Most of the people here really enjoy reading what Jane has to say and we would like her to feel free to continue to post.Ive answered your question, now here is mine, Are you an Ashley fan that is bitter because Laura won?Most of the posters here, in fact probably all of them except for you, just want to have a good time and hear about the upcoming show-why dont you try to find something that makes you happy.Ive read many of your posts and most of them seem to be very negative, so obviously spending your time here, or on the NBC board, is not making you very happy.
What I have found is that when a minority opinion is posted some of the majority will at first try to change that poster's opinion. Failing that they will start attacking the poster in just about any way they can think of. Often the discussion degenerates into a name calling, insult slinging fest. I will not indulge in that catagory of posting....which I believe your question falls under.
Yes, I realize I have the minority opinion. I read the opinions of those who disagree with me and I respect them and their feelings. There is no reason to start mud slinging because of it.
No, I am not bitter that Ashley lost. I did not even know who the girls were in fact, till close to the end. I liked Max and Austin and lucky for me, they both did well. On the night of the finale I still could not totally decide who to vote for, but ended up throwing my votes to Max. I voted for neither girl. Though i liked Ashley's looks a little better it didn't really matter to me.
I hope there is room to have a civil discussion of divergent opinions on this board, as there are in real life.
greatwhiteway......why would you resent her lecture. If you happen to be one of those fans that doesn't understand, Jane just tried to explain it to you before it happened. If you are one of the fans that does understand, that specific part of the post does not pertain to you. Again, why would you resent her lecture. Jane, as much of a concerned mother that you are, and as much as I love to read your posts, part of their job is fan participation. I can agree with you that you can make that post, however, the content with the post is what I have to disagree with.
During intermission they might have to have snacks and fluids to keep them going, but when it comes to the fans, they need to dig deep and do what they can for them. This is just my opinion of course. I'm sure someone else's will be different. Basically, let me ask.......what makes the show a success, the performers or the fans?????
You can have the world's greatest show but without fans, aka, those who buy the tickets, there is no show. I am sure that Laura and Max and everyone else involved will learn how to deal with stage door fans, as most people in the business have learned how to cope with this situation.
Fame, as it is, has a price to pay and if you don't support those people who are you fans, you don't get to keep them. A few minutes at the stage door is a small price to pay. She will be just fine and learn deal with fans at the end of a show and get home.
It's kind of ironic that you feel "attacked" when it appeared as though you attacked Jane for a harmless statement that no one but you was offended by. I don't know if that was your intent, but after reading what all the people who responded to your post wrote its obvious that many people felt that Jane needed to be defended. I always enyoy a "discussion of divergent opinions" but really, your nasty attack of Jane has nothing to with an opinion-it was just plan petty. I'm guessing that you are trying to make certain people feel uncomfortable so they won't post on this board anymore. I'm calling you on your rude behavior because I really enjoy reading everything that Jane has had to contribute to this board and I don't want her to stop because of your foolishness. I have read the entire thread again and can't see how anything Jane wrote could be offensive to you. I wonder...do you always feel that people are out to get you? If this is the case, hopefully your therapist can help you. You say that you aren't an Ashley fan, yet if you are the same Greatwhiteway that has posted on the NBC boards, I seem to remember you saying really nice things about Ashley and extremely rude things about Laura. Please let me know if you and the greatwhiteway on the NBC board are different people.
That Girl...I have tried my best to talk to you in as civil a way as possible to explain my take on things. It appears I have not succeeded. I think any furhter comments from me to you would not be fruitful so let us peacefully end our discussion.
Hello. I guess I resented the fact that basically everyone on this board has been nothing but supportive to Laura, Max and the rest of the Grease cast. There has been nothing to indicate that the fans here would be anything but respectful to the cast. I therefore felt that Jane's warnings to us were somewhat condescending, and ungrateful at best. Now please understand, I know this is just my interpretation. I realize that people do not agree. That is OK. I will survive and so will they. I just wish we can say our piece, hear what others think and move on.
Dogs and Birds...I hope this doesn't ruin your rep on this board too much... but I totally agree.
Thank you greatwhiteway for you reply. I now understand why you thought what you did. I do not know Jane personally, but from what she writes in her posts, I believe that you interpreted her post wrong. Of course you are entitled to your opinion.
Quote from GreatWhiteWay: There has been nothing to indicate that the fans here would be anything but respectful to the cast. I therefore felt that Jane's warnings to us were somewhat condescending, and ungrateful at best.
From That Girl: It must be hard to constantly think the worst of people. I really hope your therapist is helping you with these feelings of persecution. The bad news is that so much of the ugliness that must happen to you on a daily basis you have brought on yourself; the good news is that with therapy you can change your perception of life. People who are rude and think that everyone around them is condescending and ungrateful are absolutely exhausting to be around and often have difficulty maintaining relationships. I dont think that anyone who read Janes post got the same impression that you did-especially if they have read any of her other posts. Jane is obviously a caring person and sensitive to other peoples feelings where as you seem to only be concerned with your own. You didnt deny that you were the same GreatWhiteWay from the NBC board that would compliment Ashley and verbally beat up on Laura-so I guess that I can assume that you are one in the same. Its obvious that you are bitter that Laura won-does she remind you of the girl that you could never be? Do yourself, and all of us, a favor and find something more enjoyable to spend your time on. The contest is over and Laura and Max have won. Why dont you let us enjoy their victory and let us converse about upcoming show? Maybe youll get lucky and there will be negative review that you can post-but please save your imaginary slights for you therapy sessions.
AMEN!!!!!!!!! Singing is greatly heightened speech, and requires much more energy to fill a large space, even with electronic amplification.
Fortunately, both Max and Laura are not only extraordinary singers, but seem to have the all-important technical knowledge that will keep their voices healthy and functional under a heavy schedule.
Downtime is essential. They have taken on a tremendous business responsibility, and they should feel no guilt whatsoever in putting their own well-being first and foremost. Their fans will live their lives perfectly well without meaningless autographs and egocentric photos.
So.....here is a funny!!!!! In my last post I stated that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I'm sure someone will disagree with mine. Sure enough, someone did.............It was my WIFE. She agrees with RAY. She states that even though fan participation is important, the performers well-being will always come first. There is a time and place for everything. The stage-door is NOT the place for fan participation. With that being said, I actually will have to agree with her (like I have a choice).
I should probably start a new thread, but does anyone know if any of the performers have times set up for the fans. Such as "meet and greet" or "autograph signings" or "photo opps" or anything like that?
Obviously no show can continue very long without the fans.Similarly there needs to be performers for an audience to watch.
Personally I always attempt to thank the audience by giving a little of my time after every performance, even if I am really tired.That said, there are times when physically you just can not do it.When that happens you hope people will understand - most will but there will always be a few that wont.
There are some slightly different dynamics in this case though:
1.Like many Broadway patrons, people are not only spending big bucks for the tickets, in most cases they are spending much, much more to travel to NY and stay there.
2.Unlike most other auditions, Laura & Max were chosen to play these roles by the people who are buying the tickets.
Having known Laura for years she has always shown an uncanny ability to understand the need for that kind of balance.Even though this is bigger than her past roles simply because it is Broadway, she has done this many weekly shows in the past and has expertly handled the need to both rest & spend time with her fans - I suspect this will be no different.
From personal experience, I know that Jane is a wonderful & caring mother who understandably wants to look out for the needs of her very precious daughter.However, in this case I think she need not worry - Laura is a pro and I am confident that she will handle this next challenging situation as deftly as she has handled others in the past.
Ray wrote:Downtime is essential. They have taken on a tremendous business responsibility, and they should feel no guilt whatsoever in putting their own well-being first and foremost. Their fans will live their lives perfectly well without meaningless autographs and egocentric photos.
Remember, the actors have a 7:00 call every night but Sunday (and off Monday) and they do two shows Wed and Sat. They do have some rehearsals, but for the most part, they are off most days and work about 3 or 3 1/2 hours per show. 8 shows a week are very taxing to be sure, but many people work many more hours than that every week for far less pay and recognition.
"Meaningless autographs and egocentric photos" build a fan base. Fans come back to see a show repeated times, and will go to see other ventures of those they admire. For those fans, such admiration is an important part of their lives. I say that without judgement as their are much worse things people can do with their lives.
Once again, balance is always necessary and professionals learn how to deal with the "roar of the crowd" without offending anyone.
The stage-door is NOT the place for fan participation.
Okay, New Yorkers, correct me if I am worng, but I thought that the stage door is the place for fan participation. I have been to theater in NY, London, LA and San Francisco and I have been told by locals who attend theater that it is permissible to politely wait at the stage door to ask for an autograph or take a photo. I have done it and had wonderful moments to get a few photos and/or an autograph and the actors have always been fabulous.
There are other exits from the theater that actors can use if they are just too tired to stop for fans. Sometimes, they just come out, wave to everyone, then go on to their cab or limo or whatever. I think so long as the fans are considerate and polite, this isn't an ordeal for them. The actors don't usually spend more than a ten or fifteen minutes signing autographs.
From my experience, what is not the place for fan participation is while they are eating dinner or are out with friends and family. That is truly down time.
grannygreaser, the stage door IS the place for fan participation. One of the only places. I've been to numerous stage doors as well, and most stars are happy to sign Playbills or take pictures. It seems to me like stage-dooring becomes part of the routine for actors performing in theater.
I have to agree completely with DogsandBirds and Argh. Yes, actors work very hard, and we all want the Greasers to take care of themselves. But realistically, they work relatively short days. In general, taking that extra fifteen minutes thanking fans isn't going to affect their well-being. You have to remember that fans work hard too to afford show tickets or since it's Broadway, even plane tickets and hotel accomodations. No, it's not an actor's obligation to greet fans, and of course it's understandable if once in a while there are other things they need to tend to. But on a regular basis, it's maybe thirty seconds per fan moving down the line. I think many would say that it's a small price to pay.
And furthermore, autographs are NOT meaningless. If you've been to a stage door, you'd see how excited fans are waiting behind the barricades and how their nights are made after that quick signing and the opportunity to express their admiration. Calling autographs "meaningless" and photos "egocentric" makes it seem like fans are just there to say they met the actors, when in reality most are there to APPRECIATE them.
Theater is built on the premise that the actors and audience share an intimacy and an enthusiasm during each individual performance, something that is missing from movies or television.There is no show without the fans. And I'm sure the performers and especially Max and Laura, who are where they are largely because of the fans, understand that.
My wifes response to it NOT being the place was basically off of experience. All of her performances came in theaters where the stage door was the back door to an alley way. After each performance, all of the performers would meet in the lobby area for a "meet and greet" (thats what they called it) for anyone that would want autographs or pictures or to just give a compliment. It was a great way to meet people and everyone had a great time doing it. We have never been to Broadway and I think its great that you can meet the performers in person. Two things come to mind. 1) "meaningless" autographs and "egocentric" photos is what this BIZ is all about!!!!!!!! AND 2) The dinner table at a restaurant is definitely NOT the place.
With all that being said, may I ask again. Do any of the performers have a "meet and greet"?
Not to the best of my knowledge. People stand by the stage door which is generally on the same street and next to the theater doors. I think a "meet and greet" might be more exhausting than a few fans stopping someone and asking for a photo opp or an autograph.
Remember, the theather holds about 1000 people. 99.9% of those people enjoy the show, leave and go home. Only a few will stand by the door to get autographs, etc. it has been my experience that at most this is a dozen or so people and they don't all get an autograph or photo.
AZN Danny.....I have always been taught to be careful for what you ask for, you may get it. Being a celeb caries an enormous amount of responsibility. Its just not all fun and games as many people think!!!!!
Dear friends...just to clarify again, I think Max and Laura will both have great fun greeting fans at the stage door the vast majority of the time! My only original caution was to say there could be days or times when they are really tired or not feeling well or their voices are strained and they will not want to talk a lot. I didn't know if a lot of the general public would really necessarily be aware of that or understand that if that should happen on a night when you are there. My true protective feelings when I originally wrote this were actually directed more to the fans than even Max or Laura on those nights. I hear how supportive and excited so many of you are to see the show and I can get a sense of what a disappointment that could be. But don't forget overall how exciting this whole thing is for Max and Laura too! This is a profound opportunity and dream come true for them. They will most often be greatly honored by all your support and seeing the number of their fans at the stage door! Who wouldn't be? I was only hoping to protect from disappointment any fans who might happen to see them on a very tired night, as I know this can also be a reality at times in this profession. I think almost everyone understood this from my words, but one misinterpretation early on ended up having the impact of basically derailing this whole topic and sending it off track. Too bad that happened! Sorry to all...let's go back to having more fun discussions again! They're lots more fun to read!
Thanks so much for calling attention to that clip. It would be just great if a similar clip came out of the Grease production.
The same site also had a clip of the recording of Legally Blonde that was very interesting too. It is easy to see why these people are on the stage. Their timing and interpretation is great.
Very interesting video with a charming tour guide.
Regardng the time that a stage performer works (except on Wed. and Sat.) compared with workers in other fields..... This cannot be measured in hours and minutes. The heightened, concentrated energy required to hold an audience is of a totally different nature and magnitude than that required by workers in regular dayjobs.
Furthermore, if the stage performer is not in tip-top shape, it shows, and the rest of the cast and perhaps the audience feel it. On the other hand...people in less demanding jobs can get through their day acceptably, even with a headache, a sore throat, a cold, a hangover, or what have you.
You are correct in saying that performers put in sweat equity that cannot be measured, however, some might argue that although it is a demanding jobs, other jobs are equally demanding and hold less rewards in money and fame. Actors work through their maladies just as anyone else might and take days off for health or other reasons otherwise there would be no need for understudies.
Thanks so much for calling attention to that clip. It would be just great if a similar clip came out of the Grease production.
The same site also had a clip of the recording of Legally Blonde that was very interesting too. It is easy to see why these people are on the stage. Their timing and interpretation is great.
Gramps, I don't know if you've seen it, but Broadway.com has a whole Legally Blonde section, with about fifteen videos leading up to opening night. They began documenting six months in advance, so there is footage regarding costumes, scenery, premiering in San Francisco, etcetera. I was hoping they'd do the same sort of video series countdown with Grease, but we're only about a month away now.
That said, most shows do seem to get a "Behind the Scenes," "On the Scene," or "In Rehearsal" video once they are open or close to opening. If not, I'm sure we'll get to enjoy footage of opening night. Those videos are always great, seeing the excitement of everyone involved. And especially for a show like this one, with so many Broadway debuts, I have a feeling it'll be a magical night for all cast and crew.
Thanks for the info about Lewgally Blonde. I had seen a couple of small pieces of it elsewhere but haad somehow missed it. Appreciate your mentioning it.