The message board for Broadway World. I try and scroll through every day, and I have just noticed that so many people seem so dead set on hating Grease, before it even has started! The majority of the posters come across all high and mighty, and just really seem to have it in for the show, and the way Laura and Max got their parts. I am REALLY hoping that when the show begins, it puts all the naysayers to rest-----I know Max and Laura and the cast are truly going to shine, it's just frustrating to read them being raked over the coals right now! Anyone with me?
Yes , I scroll thourgh it also. The posters on that site have this high and mighty view of themselves and at times can be very nasty to others. I have learned never to "listen" to what is being said. They seemed to hate Wicked and Legally Blonde and they are hits. They like Three Penny Opera and I thought it was the pits(biggest waste onf my money)
I recently had the unpleasant experience of scrolling through some posts on another site and the poster said something really unkind about one of the young people in the show. I am being purposely vague because I don't want to add fuel to a fire that seems to be dying. My thought was that if they don't like Grease or anything about it that's okay but if you don't then don't come to the sites where we like the show and the people playing in it and bring your negative self with you. In fact they were so adamantly negative it seemed that maybe they were jealous of the success attained. But what I choose to do in that case is to simply ignore them since they show their ignorance by their behavior. I think that's a good time to just start a really positvie fun post that gets people's attention directed away from it. When people are really negative like that I think it's to provoke a response. But I have noticed that if I can be purposely positive in the face of a really negative response it difuses the situation nicely and there is peace. So anyway hasn't it been fun to share all of the wonderful things about the show and the kids and the excitement connected with it. I've been having a blast chatting with everyone and I'm really looking forward to everyone sharing their experience seeing the play here! Live long,laugh often and love much!
If you haven't followed this whole saga - and felt like a part of it - it's hard to appreciate what L & M have already accomplished and how immensely talented they both are.
This reality show audition process is so different from the usual casting mrthods. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and sneer. Yet, I know what Laura and Max bring to their roles and how they keep getting better and better under pressure. It's a joy to watch their growth and their success.
I can't get too upset with the theatrical traditionalists because this casting process was truly radical. In the end all will see that, against all odds, it has worked beautifully. Broadway will have two new stars.
I am both amused and understanding of the people who post so ridiculously negative on the board. I like a discussion that includes both positive and negative angles on any situation but many of the posts on that board are ridiculous. I would get annoyed if they weren't so entertaining, and transparent. The latest victim is Max now. They truly cannot give him a chance because he has attained the greatest prize that can be aspired to in their profession....and has not had to take the years, long, TRADITIONAL, arduous route they did, in their eyes. That is hard to take for some people.
Yep! I agree totally. You've probably heard this before but here is an interesting and little known fact. It takes only 5 or 6 muscles to smile and over one hundred to frown. So I'm all for smiling! And loving!
I think there was a quote from Max in an article that said something like - The nicest people you will meet on Broadway are the actors that are working and the meanest ones are the ones without jobs. Something like that. I would not worry about what they say and I know that Max does not dwell on it. He is having the time of his life and cannot wait for the show to open. Not so that he can show off, but to get to doing what he was born to do and that is to perform. Max does not have any grand hopes of the critics being kind and that is okay. This cast is extrordinarily in sync and are having so much fun, that the naysayers really don't matter at this point.
Hurray for you, RC, for raising Max to focus on things that matter. He won a lot of fans on the NBC show. I have no doubt that he'll win many more on Broadway. Even a few critics.
I like Edwardian. Such a pleasant way of saying things! Also I might add that Andrew LLoyd Webber took a lot of similar criticism when he cast Maria in the Sound of Music in London via reality TV. He and David Ian both spoke out afterwards saying something to the effect that it was hard to argue with the ultimate results. Theatre seats were filling will thousands of new theatre-goers, which meant more actors worked longer, more orchestra members had work, more techies were employed.....bottom line...lots of people benefited as did "theatre" as a whole industry. And another ironic thing about the nay-saying argument is that they seem to imply that somehow Max and Laura just coasted in on a luxury liner! Not quite! Every person on GYTOTIW talked about how grueling it was, how long, how sacrificial in some cases (even moving a wedding date), and most of them said they'd never do it again. At the same time, I know many people who have taken and are taking that more "traditional" route of auditioning and auditioning for roles in New York and fighting that grueling battle. Neither is a picnic. Both deserve incredible respect. Max and Laura had to go up against the whole country (not just other New York actors) and won. It is hard to give much validity to any argument that somehow implies they don't deserve to be there. I think Max is probably right--those not working are the main ones with a bitter taste in their mouth. And they're in an extremely competitive business where every audition they're up against hundreds of others and only one can win. Many, many times over the years I have said to Laura, "That is the way this industry is! You will face it constantly. A day may come where you just can't stand it any more. That's the day you go look for new work. Don't begin to hate what you have so long loved." If I could, I would say the same thing to those who maybe are becoming embittered by the process. The industry and competition are NOT going to change and it is indeed vicious. If you are losing your love of the industry, your love for others, and maybe even your joy in life itself, it may be time to get out. This is why such a relative few survive having this job as a lifetime career. My hat is off to all of them! I could never do it!
I would add that the process of struggling and accepting that all is not always good, nor fair for that matter, is true of many professions. I repeatedly told my kids to expect disappointments and not to judge a profession, their goals, or even themselves on isolated experiences. And, as I well know from having dealt with literally thousands of young people and even authored a book on how to get along in college for college freshmen, persevering to obtain a personal goal is admirable but so is having the courage to change one's mind if the decision is carefully thought out.
It is important that young people realize that goals as well as likes and dislikes change in many different areas of life ranging from food tastes to professional choices. Well respected research tells us that almost 50% of college students change their major at least once.
I know change can be for the good. I worked for several years as a newspaper reporter before I decided to go on to graduate school and ended up (happily) as a psychologist.
The best thing we can hope for our children is not that they become an x or y or z, but that they are happy doing it.
Jane, Stan and Edwardian, I admire the three of you and the tone you bring to this forum. Your postings are consistently articulate and gently phrased as well as informative.
Gramps, how true are your words! I have also read where most people who are now college age will have an average of 7 career changes in their lifetime. No matter how many times I've seen or heard that statistic, it sounds incredibly high, but that is the apparent statistic. This is not just 7 different jobs but 7 different careers. The successful man or woman of the future is apparently the man or woman who will willingly embrace change and enjoy continual learning. I've had three different career changes and I'm in my early 50's so who knows--maybe even I will have more yet! I do find change quite invigorating myself so I think that makes a difference. My husband, by contrast, does not like change and I think he will be a chiropractor until he retires. Then he'll probably be a part-time chiropractor until he dies! Ha!
Jane and Mrs. N, thank you both for the compliments. I also enjoy both of your posts tremendously and appreciate your contributions. It took me awhile to find this board and to make the switch over from NBC. I really enjoy the mature level of discussion that you all have here.
One of the qualities that I've appreciated in both Laura and Max is the level of humility with which they've travelled this path. I've seen no sense of entitlement or resentment when things don't go their way, but a true willingness to accept criticism and to learn from it. They don't seem to get frustrated and want to quit when things are rough, but buckle down and get determined to make themselves better. That's a great indicator for long term success in even the toughest of industries.
One of the qualities that I've appreciated in both Laura and Max is the level of humility with which they've travelled this path. I've seen no sense of entitlement or resentment when things don't go their way, but a true willingness to accept criticism and to learn from it. They don't seem to get frustrated and want to quit when things are rough, but buckle down and get determined to make themselves better. That's a great indicator for long term success in even the toughest of industries.
I couldn't agree with you more Edwardian. Max and Laura were my favorites from the beginning.They remained my favorites because they rose to every challenge that was presented and remained undaunted by any criticism they received throughout the entire process-and of course they are wildly talented.I have to take my hat off to Jane and Rachel; obviously you raised very well adjusted children!
So eloquently expressed. I agree that the humility that I saw expressed by Max and Laura during the whole process was one of the things that brought me back to watch GYTOTIW week after week,that and they are so increibly gifted. When the panel of judges asked them to make changes they made them. Some of the others said that they would but never really did. One of the moments that will be forever etched in my mind it during the finale when they announced Laura and Max as the winners. In each case though they were ecstatic they both took time to comfort their friends who didn't win. This to me is the mark of a true professional, the ability to enjoy your success but to recognize how you got where you are and to be sensitive to those around you. I think an attitude of true humility will go a long way to melt hearts that are hardened and cold. It is a quality that draws people to us and allows us to share with them all that we are. If we really look at it closely the fact is that anything that we have friends, family, love, talents gifts all of these things were given to us by God and without His help we could do nothing.
I'm someone who has never gotten into any other reality show and is not even a fan of Grease. More than anything else, it has been the "heart" that these talented contestants demonstrate that drew me in and hooked me. (And I'm not only referring to Laura and Max here,) It's not every day that you get to see such high levels of maturity, dedication, integrity and appreciation in such young adults. As a parent, I find it very heart warming.