One negative aspect for me and the family sitting next to me with an asthmatic child was that even though we were in the mezzanine, the smoke from the cigarettes was distracting. We were affected by it. I was very surprised that they allowed "real" smoking on stage and in such a small theater. Am I being silly?
I don't think your being silly at all. If it affects the fans regardless of where you are sitting, I would say that its wrong.
I do like the idea of realism instead of noticable fake cigs, but I think they could have better air circulation for this not to be a problem. I would try to get ahold of someone at the theater and voice your opinion.
Thanks timnlenrd for your first post ever. But I am quite offended by it.
As a smoker for over 16 years, I understand all aspects about smoking. I quit over 8 years ago when my son was born 14 weeks early at 1lb. 15oz. He was born with a lung disorder as to where a single inhale of second-hand smoke could hospitalize him or even worse. We have to take special precautions to prevent this from happening. If it does happen, am I suppose to just get over it???? Is the Brooks Atkinson Theatre a non-smoking establishment????
As I stated before, I would rather have the real thing than an abvious fake. I'm sure the Theatre has air movement devices that were not working properly and should be checked out. But if they don't know, they will never fix them.
I don't want to start any arguement here, or flaming war, but I do stand by my statement.
It's unfortunate your child's health is in such a precarious position, but speaking in generalities - because this is going out to a wide range of readers - I still think people need to lighten up and quit trying to police the behavior of others.
This play is set in the 50's. People smoked in those days, as they do now.
I smoked for 13 years, I quit 7 years ago, and like I said before - I don't enjoy cigarette smoke these days. But the producers have every right to portray the characters any way they like.
It is obvious that you have not had to deal with someone going into an asthma attack because of smoke. I have 2 asthmatics in the family and smoke is a problem.
I bet you would not like to be next to them in the theatre when they start coughing and weazing. But I am sure you would complain that you could not hear the actors!Talk about how a evening can be ruined for all!
For those of you that understand where I was coming from with questioning the smoking on stage, I thank you. I do not want to give the impression that the smoke was wasn't, could I smell it?, yes....was it pleasant? Could I see it as a negative impact on the show....yes. Would I attend again even if I knew there was smoking?.....yes. I was just surprised at it, I did not think it necessary. Since I was a patron, did see the production and have a right to voice my opinion, I did. I still am happy that I saw the production and enjoyed it very much.
Anyone else out there that has seen the production have an opinion?
They are not real cigarettes, they are some sort of herbal thing. There is no smoking in NYC in theaters and most other places. In addition, would the company risk the health of all the characters involved? They need good voices which cigarettes do not encourage.
There are many shows that use smoke machines which make much more smoke then those cigarettes and in any case, they are very far away from the audience.
Yes, they are indeed herbal cigarettes (the kind used in every Broadway show). As DogsandBirds said, smoking is illegal in NY restaurants (and hazard).
Actually, herbal cigarettes are worse for the actors...They dry out throats.
I don't think actors would ever be required to smoke real cigarettes. They're clove cigarettes, probably. Though I've sat front row at another production that uses them and didn't smell a thing.
Timnlenrd........I agree with your statement of other people need to quit trying to police the behavior of others, but that statement is quite different than "you think people need to get over it."
I will also say kudos to you for standing behind your beliefs. Now-a-days, there is not enough people like you!!!!!