Does anyone know if Grease is on hiatus during Christmas? On ticketmaster, tickets are available for performances through December 20 and then starting again from January 2. There are no tickets on sale from December 21 through January 1. Could it just be a matter of the holiday schedule not being finalized yet?
Is the week between Christmas and New Year's truly the biggest tourist week of the year...or are people more inclined to spend the time with family? Don't Broadway performers and the rest of the theatres' staffs get any break for the holiday?
I am sure tickets will be available soon for Christmas week. Generally, shows do give their cast Christmas eve off but they come back on Christmas night.
If wonder if they've sold out for that week. Max and Laura have so many young fans who will start school very soon and their parents might have decided to make this Christmas a very special one. I know I had that impulse, but so far our plan is to go early next summer.
Maria, Go to ticketmaster and look, if you can. I think the show is running that first week of January.
After I took a look at ticketmaster, I concluded that they might be taking a week off (Christmas week) since it isn't on the schedule at all. I'd be interested in the truth, if anyone learns it. shows that Christmas there is no show. The cast does not perform on Monday's and Christmas is on a Tuesday so it looks like they get 2days off. Same with New Years Day. It looks like they make up the show by doing two on the Sunday before the holiday. If they really are closed for 2 weeks, then someone is coming home for Christmas!!! I wish.
I hope that Max does get to be with you for Christmas! I know that I personally can handle being away from my family for just about any holiday except Christmas. So I'll pray that Max and Laura and the others do get to be home for Christmas.
As an update to any who were wondering, tickets are now on sale for shows during Christmas week. I got pretty good seats for December 29th so it all worked out!