Most of us here are fans of this production and so I thought of starting a topic in which those who want can offer our good wishes to the cast and crew of Grease.
I wish all of them well and am confident that when they let their inner lights shine Sunday evening, opening night will be a smash hit. They've put together a great team and have worked hard. Laura and Max deserve to be where they are and I hope that Sunday's performance will be only the first of many opening nights. All that's left to say is, "Break a leg!"
Oh, hear, hear----I definitely second that motion!!!! I am such a HUGE fan of this show, and of course, Max and Laura, and this wonderful cast. I saw the video with Kenickie and the T-Birds, and it just made me MORE excited (is it possible?!) to see this show! I am counting down----September 14th, I will be there :) So, I just want to add my best wishes for the opening tomorrow, I KNOW it will be incredible!! I'm so excited for them
Max Laura, all of the wonderful cast of Grease, God bless, have lots of fun and remember you are not your reviews you are wonderful gifted people. I know Grease will be a huge hit!
Laura, Max, and all the other amazing cast members---
im so excited that you guys are living your dream. i want you to have the best time you've ever had tomorrow, and even though i wont be there that night ( *sniff* ) i will be there very soon!! im gonna be rooting for you in spirit, though!! you are so amazing and talented and i want you to know that no matter what the critics say (im sure they will say amazing things), you will always be fantastic. its gonna be wonderful! HAVE AN AMZING TIME!! BREAK A LEG!
I disagree. First of all I don't believe in fate. Without getting into a lot of my own beliefs I think that you by your actions can see your dreams become reality. It's hard for me to believe that the entire future of Grease or it's cast really hinges on one performance. As I said in my good wishes to the cast you are not your reviews, you are a wonderfully gifted person. I for one may read reviews but I don't think that they are the make or break point.I think the mere fact of this revival of Grease happening the way that it has makes it unlike any previous production so any rules if there are rules really don't apply here. I fail to see how one person's opinion,educated though it may be would determine the success or failure of a production. I think that the cast and director with all that they have to bring are what determines the success or failure of this production. I think that there is more than enough talent to carry this show with or without a good review. And how do we know? They may actually get a good review!All of us here know that this production has already been a huge success.
Max, Laura and the rest of the Grease cast and crew, you have a lot of fans, and the ones of us who can't be there physically tonight to applaud your efforts will surely be sending positive thoughts and energy.
To Max and Laura and the entire talented cast, our family wishes you a heartfelt BREAK A LEG!!
You were incredibly awesome in preview performances and amazingly nice at the stage door. Good things happen for good people and you guys are all awesome!!
From a certain Super fan who can't bring himself to wish leg breaking, he would like to wish a SUPER, AWESOME opening night to everyone in Grease, but especially Max and Jose.