Just as a little note, when I say 'we' I am referring to me, my mom, and my brother.
We had tickets for the Saturday August 11th, 2007 matinee Grease performance. I was so excited to be seeing this show! Understand that we don't typically purchase full price tickets in advance. We usually rush, lotto, or TKTS shows, along with other forms of discounts. We paid 121.50 per ticket, because it was the weekend. Anyway. I absolutley LOVED the show! It is one of my favorites, standing in the top 3 alongside Wicked and The Wedding Singer. We were nervous that the show wouldn't live up to the price we paid, but it exceded our expectations and we don't have a single regret! Of course I assumed the music would be good, and so it was. The sets were fair, nothing to complain about, yet nothing to boast about. The choregraphy was great, the actors phenomonal, and the show as a whole was excellent. Max and Laura did a great job, and I was very pleased with America's choices (who were also my favorites)! You want me to sum up how good it was? It was, 'See it twice in one day' good! Is that good enough? Given, I have seen Wicked 8 times, but (6/8) times we did lotto. We also saw Little Shop of Horrors (Revival) twice in one day at half price a ticket. There have been more full price shows also. Anyway. So we were standing in line at the box office, because we had wanted to ask something. A lady walked in, and asked if anyone wanted to buy two tickets from her (2 for the price of 1) because two people who were supposed to be attending with her dropped out at last minute, so she wanted to at least get some of their money back for them. We ended up spontanesley buying those (Yes, we understand the risks of scalpers and such, but we had extreme confidence in her), and bought another full price ticket for that evening. So we saw it again that evening. Again, wonderful show. I could just rant on and on about how much I loved it, but I'll spare all of you. I don't see how anyone can truely dis-like this show. Of course we stagedoored, and the crowd was not as horrible as I had imagined by the way others had made it sound. After the matinee (this was before we knew we were seeing the evening show too) the crowd was fine, not pushy, and all actors (ESPECIALLY Max & Laura) were very generous with their time. Max and Laura got every single person waiting, and were friendly. After the evening show, my brother wanted to stagedoor again, so we did. It was SO horrible! We went to the left side of the door as we had earlier (the left side as if you are coming out), but the line for the club next door was there and it was horrible! They have to come up with a better system, because they would not allow us on the curb, so everyone was pushing and shoving trying to fit between a car behind us and the curb, while still close to the barricade. That was horrible.
Ok, enough about Grease and my rambling. You will find that I tend to do that...
I think I've made my point and opinion clear =] I welcome any comments and discussion! Also, if you have any paticular questions, of if there is anything specific you would like to know, feel free to ask! I cannot wait to see this show again!
**I'll add pictures soon!**
-- Edited by BroadwayDream101 at 22:50, 2007-08-19
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
So I don't know if I should be starting a new topic with this or where to post it, so hopefully people will just check it here =] I went nuts when I saw this!! Sorry if someone already mentioned it. I'm a tad behind. http://broadway.yahoo.com/features/58
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
Can you tell me if the Finale is different from what they did in the Previews? On broadwayworld, you see a photo of the entire cast with Vic Fontaine and they're all doing the hand jive and that wasn't done in the preview show I saw.
Hmm...I saw the 11th show, and i'm not sure. I don't seem to recall it, I remember them doing extra music and dancing and the end. It was a whirlwind for me at curtain call, so I can't say for sure if they did the hand jive again. Sorry :(
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
Ok. So I said pictures coming soon...I feel obligated to follow up with that statement since I originally said it. SO. Go to photobucket.com Then log in as BroadwayDream101 The 'guest' password is newyork
...Please don't take any pictures without permission ENJOY! Oh, and by the way, I asked the actors if I could take their picture (all of them said of course/etc.) only I don't want to post those because I would prefer them not to get around the internet. If someone REALLY wants to see them, PM me. YAY.
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"