Kristen, you are the best in finding the latest and greatest each day. That made my day to see so many pictures of Max and the other kids. I am counting the days to my trip now and already cant sleep from excitement. Jack bought a "winter" coat yesterday and slept in it until he was sweating and then wanted to wear it to school today because it is cool outside and is going to rain. He has no idea what real cold is living in Phoenix.
Thanks for posting the great pictures! I wouldn't know or find out half of the stuff on this board if you guys weren't so great about finding and posting things. To us parents who are a long way away it's so great to see! I loved Rachel's story of Jack buying a winter coat! The cute thing is, when my Mom and I were in New York we got to see Max for a few minutes and he had just bought a new winter coat too! He was asking Laura if it fit right and looked good! He seemed very proud of it and it was entertaining to watch! He'd also gotten some glasses and they looked great too. Well, I bought Laura new matching pink hat, scarf, and cute gloves as one of her birthday presents so they'll both be prepared for winter. Laura may actually think New York winter is mild in comparison to Minnesota. It's much warmer there right now than it is here and I hear snow doesn't often stick around very long. Wow! Once it snows here in Minnesota it's usually here until March! We'll get a few days now and again above freezing to thaw a little, but those days don't come very often. But Minnesota is an awesome state to live in about 8 or 9 months of the year. Probably true of a lot of states: some places it's too hot in the summer, in Minnesota it's too cold and too long of a winter. Anyway, have fun on your next trip, Rachel and family! Give Laura a hug from me! And stay warm!
Max told me about his coat and I just saw a picture of it that Eris posted when she was in town last week. Very nice, I like it. I like his glasses too. He has worn them for a while, but I think he lost the last pair. He also said he was very grateful for the help that a certain someone gave him with getting the glasses. That was very nice. He has said that it is cold, but anticipates it getting colder. We are all ready for the cold with coats and scarfs and face covers, ear covers, gloves and warm boots. We have thrown fashion to the wind and gone with comfort and warmth. I doubt we will take fancy dresses when we go see the shows either. We are very excited to be going and to be able to be with Max during the holiday. I will give Laura a big hug when I see her for you.
It certainly will get colder in NYC but I have heard that we may be in for a mild winter this year. I certainly hope so because I don't look forward to shoveling the driveway.
But I know that Max's fans were good to him on his birthday and he is all set with the cold weather gear.
I don't like to get TOO bundled up when I go to NYC because I usually work usually end up working up a bit of a sweat walking all over. I already know that I'm getting a wool coat for Christmas so that'll be perfect for New York.
Jane, you're right about snow in NYC. The streets are so warm from the subways and everything underneath that snow tends to not stick for very long. If I'm not mistaken the last time they had really bad snow up there was 96. That was my junior year in HS and we missed a week of school. The snow was up to my knees! lol
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."
Not sure about the dates, but we have had a bad snow storm within recent memory, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. Manhattan is warmer than the other boroughs BUT the wind is greater down the streets due to the canyons the buildings create. And when there is snow in Manhattan, getting around by walking is hard since the crosswalks narrow due to snow piles. Santitation trucks pile snow up at corners and then other trucks scoop it up and dump it in the river, but it isn't a particularly fast process.
Jane, you're right about snow in NYC. The streets are so warm from the subways and everything underneath that snow tends to not stick for very long. If I'm not mistaken the last time they had really bad snow up there was 96. That was my junior year in HS and we missed a week of school. The snow was up to my knees! lol
i remember the blizzard of 96. i was 7 and lived in bergan county at the time. my mom, aunt and i shoveled by grandparent's driveway, went inside for hot chocolate, then went outside and had to shovel again because it snowed so badly lol
My boy says it snowed today in New York. Oh my. Everyone say prayers for the whole cast that they do not get sick. They go from the cold to warm on and off during the day and it makes them feel tired. They are all so excited to be back, that they would be sick if anyone really got sick.
Yup, got some snow today which, at least here, eventually turned to rain. By the time I got out of work my car was covered in a thin sheet of ice.
Just tell them to keep drinking their lemonade and orange juice. I'm sure they're all pros at taking care of themselves and I bet the vets have lots of advice on handling the cold weather and staying healty for the rookies.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."