Some of you may recall my mentioning that when I attended Max and Laura's appearence at Seth's Broadway Chatterbox I asked them to sign a CD after the show for the daughter of one of the posters from the old NBC board.
Today she posted the video of Eileen opening the CD on Christmas day on the other board and I figured I would post it here for all of you to see.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."
Those of you have been with us since the NBC board may remember Shari (RedBaron) often talking of Eileen's love of Max and how she'd mention him in her prayers.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."