The TV reality show was pretty controversial. There was the whole idea of having "America" cast the leads of a Broadway show. There were many complaints about the show's process and its methodology of showcasing the contestants and choosing the winners. The show ended 13 1/2 months ago and the B'way show has been a box office success but a failure according to many of the critics.
In retrospect, what do you think of the concept, execution and results of the NBC reality show? Has Grease on Broadway benefited or been hurt by it's leads having been chosen in this way?
IMO The TV show brought national attention to the Broadway World and I would be willing to bet that more Americans became interested in Broadway Shows because of the TV exposure. Stage actors are not as nationally know as TV and Film actors simply because you don't have to travel further than your living room to see them where as you have to go to New York at great expense or to your largest local city to see a touring show.
GYTOTIW made people from all over the country want to see the Broadway show and Americans want to see their favorites succeed whether it is in sprorts, music, as a survivor or a chef. At least with GYTOTIW Americans who watched the show could see it to its conclusion which is the Broadway show Grease. In a sense, take ownership, being a part of the process because they voted for Max and Laura or any of the other contestants. As long as people are buying tickets and enjoying the show then it is a success.
The show is still running and is going on the road as well. The success of any Broadway show is if it recoups or not. It has nothing to do with what a critic say, especially the pre-biased ones. We will know the final answer to that question in a couple of months.
I personnaly crossed the border to see the show... that was my main reason for going to ny and I was really happy... Max and Laura were my top and every friend of mine who was watching the show was laughing at me saying Austin and Asheley would win WHOSE LAUGHING RIGHT NOW....
One of the best results to me is that the show launched the careers of several very talented and very worthy young performers. I know that I will enjoy following their careers well into the future.
Even though Austin and Ashley did not win, they have both done well for themselves post grease, Ashley in Hairspray and Austin in Trip of Love. Plus Kate is in Legally Blonde and Julianna is in Saved.
These kids were all very talented and worked very hard in the show. It is wonderful to see so many good things happening for all of them.
I think the concept was new, therefore, open to resistance by the critics. The fans buy the tickets, myself included, and travel from across the country and beyond, perhaps because they feel a "connection" to the winners but primarilybecause the winners are so talented and the show itself invokes fond memories for many who attend. So the success of the show is due to a combination of reasons, not the least of which was the direction and vision of Kathleen Marshall, and other creators of the show. The show would not have been the success it is without talented performers. The fact that the stars auditioned on national television is a plus. They opened themselves up to the largest audience possible and therefore, major criticism. Anyone who is willing to take such a risk is brave and has a healthy dose of self-confidence. I am not sure that a seasoned performer would be willing to take such a risk.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired from reading about performers who are arrested for drugs or found in an alcoholic stupor crashing into a tree because they can't handle life, fame or the fortune they have been so privileged to attain or because of some childhood disaster they so conveniently blame for their atrocious behaviors, immaturity and self-centeredness. It is truly inspiring to see new performers who are hard-working and who possess values, humility, sincere genuineness and maturity beyond their years and are grateful for every opportunity to move ahead actually be rewarded with a jump-start to their careers in an honest competition of the magnitude afforded by national television. This is an event they and we will be talking about for years. A real success story. Media is everywhere; times have changed; people need to "go with the flow" and accept the many options that abound as a result of it.
Prior to Grease, I had zero interest in Broadway. I now have a much greater interest in the artform that extends to a number of other shows as well as a new appreciation for NYC and all it has to offer.
The kids on the show were so likeable and so admirable too. I took a reverse path to the show. Even though I am thoroughly annoyed by reality TV and don't like the show Grease (for several reasons) I tuned into YTOTIW one evening. I had nothing to do but have always loved theater and so, skeptically, I watched.
It was the kids that I found to be riveting. Aside from the singing and dancing that I so love, it was watching the talented contestants handle adversity with courage and class that captured my attention. Later it was fun to watch Max and Laura grow into Broadway stars, handling success with similar grace and humility.
There is so much negativity in the world today. It's gratifying to follow an ongoing story filled with music, dance, based upon a plot line of victory over constructive adversity,and given depth by the development of admirable character. The story's got two compellingly attractive lead characters, a wondeful supporting cast and even a Greek chorus (us!). Funny, but one could almost write a Broadway show about this whole saga.
One of the differences between this reality show and American Idol is that none of these kids (even the winners) have "guaranteed futures." The show helped them in a very major way to get seen, but they have to prove themselves every step of the way after that to get their next parts. In some ways there may be even a little more scepticism surrounding them when they come to an audition. "Who are you REALLY? Do you really belong here?" Like everyone else, they must have the stuff and deliver the goods, so to speak, to earn their next jobs. That's as it should be, but I'm just pointing out a difference in winning this competition verses winning American Idol. No guaranteed tours, no guaranteed CD's, no huge money. An amazing one time open door indeed, but not a guaranteed future. The other major potential benefit (that remains to really be tested and seen) is more name recognition across the country than a Broadway performer who does not have that TV exposure. New York City residents may recognize all their big name performers, but I can guarantee you most people around the country don't know and don't recognize most of their names. I have to be a relatively average example. I went on the website that someone suggested on another thread here to vote for audience award choices for the Tony's. Most categories I had no idea who the people were. I had definitely not seen most of the shows. And I do love theatre and I do get to New York with some regularity even before Laura moved there. Name recognition might be good, but how many average people who watched the GYTOTIW TV show will remember those names even now? I have no guess.
I think that all the Grease kids have moved on and are pursuing other opportunities. I really can't see them taking a step backward to be on Grease despite it being a lead role. Being on a reality show may have hurt some of their opportunities in the eyes of the Broadway community.