This nonsense really needs to stop, guys. I cannot fight your battles - if you are brave enough to challenge someone to a duel with words - and you know which exactly words are provocative by now - then you must endure the battle yourself. If you don't like a certain performer or performance, let it be known, it is okay to say so - it's healthy - it's what conversation is all about. You can't expect a vast community to universally agree with you, and you certainly shouldnt attack someone if they dont. Now if you obsessively don't like a performer, and stuff up every thread with the same dribble, then it is not cool you are boring, you are wasting everyone's time and it is for you to decide whether you should move on and maybe find something else better to do with your time.
Moving forward, I won't be taking sides and won't be researching who did what and why someone was offended - anytime arguments develop to the ridiculous level some of you have been going, both parties are banned - no questions asked - just bye to both. This is a supposed to be a fun, spirited forum and many of you are making it very hard to keep it going. Yes, there was 24-hour detention, time-out, whatever you want to call it, but that is the last time that will happen - next time it might be time consider closing the board permanently.
I have not been here lately...but, must have missed all of this when I joined. Sorry that some just have to be so jealous or vengeful...makes you wonder what goes on inside their heads. Hope it stops...for sure. Taylor deserves respect and so does this board.