This has some relevence, since it's a show featuring Laura's husband, Nate.
RE Vicker's play "Stars in a Dark Sky," a production of the Red Fern Theatre Company at the Fringe Festival, is a tremendous piece that everyone here should go see. It's the true story of Sophie and Hans Scholl, two German college students who form a student uprising movement against the Nazi Party...of course, they're put on trial for treason and decapitated.
The play is formed through their letters, and the 4 actors (Nate plays Werner, the youngest Scholl child) give quite powerful performances. Play also contains videoc and audio clips of Hitler, Churchill, and tons of photos. Took on an even bigger meaning with me, having, within the past week, actually seen the Reichstag, Hitler's bunker, etc.
Anyhoo, it's playing at Theatre 80 (80 St. Mark's Place, just a few blocks away from the Public Theatre, and a block away from where STOMP is), tomorrow at 8, Saturday at 9, and Sunday at noon. Tickets cost the obscene price of $15 or so.
I'm glad you posted your review of the show. I probably won't be making it up to NYC before the run ends so I was curious about the show itself and Nate's performance.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."
I'd never make a 7pm show tonight. The train that leaves after I get off work doesn't arrive in NYC until after 7 and then I'd have to get from Penn Station to St Mark's Place where I've never been in my life.
"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney
"He took in the smell of the ballpark, he smiled. He loved the ballpark, there were smells there that couldn't be found anywhere else."
I'm not a Village person, East or West, but I found the theater to be surprisingly easy to find...I of course had the fortune of getting out of the 6 train and walking straight down 3 blocks. It's more difficult from Penn...
But if anyone's wondering, it's the 6 Downtown to Astor Place...then you walk two or 3 blocks, passing numerous Starbucks'.