Either they've doctored that pic slightly, or they've done a reshoot of the same pose - Laura now appears to be wearing red, and Max's hair has grown out a bit/different style. I can see how using that same pic/pose could get old, though.
Stage/Tech Crew - We're all about making others look good...
I can't wait until the CD comes out!. I look forward to seeing Laura and Max on Broadway in February, 2008! But want to hear their voices on the cd before that over and over again.
In the Broadwayworld article on the release of the new CD it lists the tracks to be included. The reprise of "Sandra Dee" is not listed. Is it being coupled with some other song?
It is different from the first one back in March I think. I think Laura is beautiful as always but it's the expression on her face that I'm not sure about. I think Max's hair is longer too, it looks great!
Thanks so much for posting this info! I just preordered mine and am really looking forward to hearing it!!! This forum is so informative!! I love it!!Thanks!