Anyone catch them in their first commercial adventure. Saw them twice within 10 minutes on Nick-at nite advertisement for Grease. But it went by so fast I will have to DVR nick tonight to see what I saw.
Anyone catch them in their first commercial adventure. Saw them twice within 10 minutes on Nick-at nite advertisement for Grease. But it went by so fast I will have to DVR nick tonight to see what I saw.
It was pretty cool! They looked happy and excited. I was disapointed though, cause at first they just advertised that there would be a showing of the movie and not one shot of Laura or Max. Then the last couple of days they start showing the one with Max and Laura. You are right though, I felt it was a little too fast as well. Cant wait till the 1st!
Now that NBC has removed its G:YTOTIW forum, maybe more of its members will find their way here. No matter whom they may have originally supported, I think most sincerely wish Max & Laura all best on Broadway.
Mrs. N - I hope you will continue to post here, now that the NBC site has closed. I really enjoy reading the information and links you share with everyone!
Wow, they did an amazing job! They looked like they were having so much fun. And they were definitely really happy and excited. Did you all enter the sweepstakes? Even though I have tickets I really want to go to the backstage party, hehe.
It was a lot of fun to see them having such a good time. Yes, I entered the contest too. I thought about entering 200 times, the same as I voted for Laura. However, I satisfied myself with three entries.
I just found this forum today. It's great! Hi to everyone!! (I'm a refugee from the NBC Boards.)
I watched the show with Laura's 83 year old grandmother (my mother). Wow, was that fun to see her and Max on TV again. I thought they looked so relaxed and just had a great time together! Grandma and I were like a couple school kids every time they came on. Great fun!
yay thanks for posting... I've been meaning to upload this forever... but I've been super busy and the recorder was being a pain, so I'm glad people who missed it the first time around will finally have a change to see it.
Thanks a million for posting these links. I missed seeing Laura and Max at the Tony's and on Nick at Night so am grateful to be able to watch them on the computer. I'm so glad there are people who know how to do all these wonderful things on computers. I'm pretty much a computer illiterate!
thanks a million for posting the video up! i was all excited to be watching grease, but right after the first commercial my friend called w/ an emergency, and i obviously had to leave and help her. i'm so glad now i can catch up on what i missed!