Hi, I know this may be wrong to be asking on this board, but me (+my mom & brother) wish to see Grease while we are in NYC. We're going to be there August 9-17. If ANYONE has ANY tickets that they can't use on any of those dates, please let me know! I'll let you know about price then. It doesn't matter where these seats are or how many you have. There are 3 of us, and we are keeping up with ebay. We've actually already bidded on tickets but we were outbid... Anyway, since we're not sure what dates we will get stray tickets to possibly from here or off ebay we don't want to do anything through ebay yet. If you see my point. We would pay through paypal. Let me know if anyone has any questions, tickets, or anything. I've also checked stubhub but we don't want to pay so much for tickets. So my email is BroadwayDream101@aol.com, or you can PM me here..(if that's possible?) Thanks so much, and my apologies to those of you who don't find it...right, I guess to be posting for tickets here.
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
Ok so thanks for viewing this post, and if anybody can delete this please do. I got ticket comfirmation just this morning, and i'm SOO excited!!!! So thanks guys . And...I don't know how to delete, so please do that for me if possible :)
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
Sure, I'd say so. Just over the regular price or 111.50. I find that rather pricey considering I usually do rushes, TKTS, or other types of discounts, but for Grease....I won't complain. August 11. I'm excited =D
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"