It's been ages since I've seen a production of Grease, and I seem to remember there being some risque content, but I'm not sure to what extent. What would people say the minimum age for this show probably is? I'm just wondering if it's okay for, say, grade school age kids, or if that's a little young.
If the play is done as it was originally written, I would say it is not appropriate for grade school children. It is about teenagers and is pretty mild compared to what some teenagers say and do these days, but still has sexual content. So I guess it would depend on the maturity factor of the child as to whether it is too risque for them. I would rate it at least PG13. My opinion.
I agree with grannygreaser, even though the very young ones probably wouldn't have a clue. And the teens might be horribly embarrassed to be sitting there with their parents. I remember about 8 years ago I went to an elementary school talent show and watched 4th- and 5th-graders do a choreographed dance to Summer Lovin, with all the words intact. It was well danced but the parents were sitting there with their mouths open. The kids themselves had no clue what the song was about. After that, all the acts had to be screened.
I read in one of the articles that it is "family friendly" but I'm not sure what that really means. I wouldn't think it would be appropriate for grade school kids but I'm also not sure a lot of grade school kids would even know what some of the stuff means. I guess if you're unsure wait until you've heard some reviews from other fans. I don't know about the stage play but the movie has a lot of questionable content.
We are taking Jack and he is 6. I know this is special for him, but I would take him anyway as he has seen the movie as well. Your are right in that he has no clue what some of the things mean. He did notice the difference in Greased Lightning from the show and the change in the words. Our entire community is going and there are small kids in every family that seem to think it is just fine. Just my thoughts.
I am taking my children, the youngest is 9. I introduced my oldest children to live theater when they were 4 and 5 with Les Miserables. Although it contains risque content, the overall experience is amazing and as others have said much of the adult content goes right over their heads. I think the content of this production of Grease will be fine. My kids are so excited about going, and I am looking forward to taking them. Since every parent knows their own child, I agree with the suggestion to wait for feedback from fans if you are concerned.
We are taking Jack and he is 6. I know this is special for him, but I would take him anyway as he has seen the movie as well. Your are right in that he has no clue what some of the things mean. He did notice the difference in Greased Lightning from the show and the change in the words. Our entire community is going and there are small kids in every family that seem to think it is just fine. Just my thoughts.
Rachel, I just had to smile at your post. I can imagine how great it'll be for Jack to see his big brother on stage. I'm sure he'll pick up on some of Max's moves, a la "Summer of '69" from the show Previews are so close now! I hope your family has a ball.
Heck, I missed a few of those naughty bits the first few times through the movie. My daughters have seen the movie (and missed much). They'll be 14 and 12 when we see the Broadway production. I'm thinking the older one may 'get' a few of the jokes but keep it to herself, thinking mom and dad are too old to understand. Funny how quickly that reverses.
Families have different levels of conservatism and I am personally on the quite conservative side. When Laura was Sandy in Grease here in Minneapolis, we discouraged a few families from taking younger kids when we understood what their family values were--and when the parents went to the show they really thanked us afterwards for doing that. Much depends on the specific direction of the show too. In Laura's show here, there were some scenes where characters took their antics to an occasional pretty raunchy level. What is funny to watch as a mature adult can turn pretty uncomfortable when a young child is sitting beside you. But there's also ways to prepare kids for scenes that might be a bit risque. Telling them about the story in advance and explaining your own values could help them to sort it out. Don't be afraid to talk about it afterwards too--these are all great learning opportunities and you can't shelter a child from everything forever! It's certainly true that many, many kids see much raunchier things on TV and in movies day after day than they'll probably see in "Grease" and a lot of parents have very little discretion about that. So weigh all these things and decide what you think is right in your own case.
I am doing a production of GREASE right now and we're telling everyone it's not appropriate for kids under 12. But that doesn't mean they can't see it. A lot of the time they mostly won't get the sexual innuendo of the dialogue and songs, so it shouldn't be bad.