ddktt wrote:I was at the same performance as you were and I totally agree with your whole review.
RE: Cameos. I thought the same thing! If Austin came out as teen angel it would bring the house down!
Wow. Great Idea.
They could have most of the finalists as surprise "guest" Teen Angels. The audience would go wild. Imagine Bill Clinton in the role. The possibilities are endless.
While it could make the experience more memorable, the production company still has to address the current shortfalls in the musical if it is to gain its own identity and not just become the shortlived "Revival of '07".
MrE -- I'm beginning to see the light. "Alone at a Drive-in Movie" makes sense for the kind of casual relationship that Danny and Sandy are having. It spares the audience the phoney angst of "Sandy", and injects some teenage humor into the drive-in scene. Maybe they knew what they were doing 35 years ago.
MrE1111 wrote:grannygreaser - No, I wasn't planning to see it at all. Two productions of the same show in a week's time is too much! I will, however, be happy to post whatever reviews I find...I believe I arrive in London the day the show opens.
I would love to see a review or two of the London production. Thank you for offering to do it.
I can see where you wouldn't want to see the show again!
"Sandy" did not seem phoney when Max sang it, like he did on the show he was able to portray a young man with hurt feelings. Though I understand how a stronger relationship would help the song fit in better. What seemed random was the scene before it. They were at the drive-in with absolutely no development of why/how they got there. At that point they didn't even have a casual relationship.
MrE1111 wrote:grannygreaser - No, I wasn't planning to see it at all. Two productions of the same show in a week's time is too much! I will, however, be happy to post whatever reviews I find...I believe I arrive in London the day the show opens.
I would love to see a review or two of the London production. Thank you for offering to do it.
I can see where you wouldn't want to see the show again!
The London production opens Aug 8th. The reviews will be out around then.
"Sandy" did not seem phoney when Max sang it, like he did on the show he was able to portray a young man with hurt feelings. Though I understand how a stronger relationship would help the song fit in better. What seemed random was the scene before it. They were at the drive-in with absolutely no development of why/how they got there. At that point they didn't even have a casual relationship.
-- Edited by greatwhiteway at 00:47, 2007-08-05
Your post is worth repeating. I'll see the show on the 19th, so I'm kinda working in the dark here.
You confirm my views on Max and the production. First, that Max can make something memorable out of nothing or very little. Second, that the production tries to please too many masters, that it's an ill-conceived mis-match of show and movie, with scenes and songs from both, which are based on very different concepts. When I see the show, I will probably be too starstruck to even notice.
If I can add just a few more comments to my previous thoughts, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Lindsay Mendez was terrific as Jan. She was always a natural, never appearing to be "acting" her part. Her rendition of "It's Raining on Prom Night" was the best I've heard. She has a beautiful voice.
I don't know if you can consider an adorable, talented, petite actress to be miscast, but Allison Fischer exudes an oozing vulnerability as cheerleader/manipulator Patty Simcox in a role where the audience is trying to hate her. I can't help but think that Jim Jacobs was specifically thinking of Allison when he was asked on the TV show what he thought the qualities of the perfect Sandy should be. She is not listed an a Sandy understudy but if she ever takes that part, I think she could be outstanding.
I also noticed that the guys in the cast are wearing blue jeans that appear to be so new that the stickers could still be on them. In an authentic revival of those times, wouldn't the jeans be really beat up? They looked so new that the creases were jumping off of them. A few more washings might have helped.
MrE.....I could pretend to be Somebody, or at least know Somebody, but I'm not and I don't.
Originally, Opening Night was supposed to be the 16th....hence, the 6:30 curtain. Getting to NY and back in one day is best on a Sunday, so I picked the first Sunday after the 16th. This will be my first experience hob-nobbing with the Elite.
MrE.....I could pretend to be Somebody, or at least know Somebody, but I'm not and I don't.
Originally, Opening Night was supposed to be the 16th....hence, the 6:30 curtain. Getting to NY and back in one day is best on a Sunday, so I picked the first Sunday after the 16th. This will be my first experience hob-nobbing with the Elite.
Ray - I will be there and I am NOT in the Elite!! LOL!
Are you talking about a special evening show on the 19 th being opening night? or the aftenoon show at 3 pm. I was under the impression opening night was 8/19/07 at 8 pm.
There are 2 performances that day. A matinee and then the premier and after party. I thought it was invitation only but it sounds like there were also tickets for sale for the show.
DDKT, thanks for posting the YouTube video of Lindsay Mendez. She sings with great soul, and she and the dancers were amazing. Now I can't wait to see HER, either.
ddktt........... I'm in shock. Lindsay Mendez is incredible. Her pitch is dead on, could not be better. Her range is astounding...she belts high A-flats, and in falcetto E-flats above high C. She exudes unbridled charm while accomplishing extraordinary feats of vocalism. And I will be seeing her as Jan, and she sings a solo! WOW...What an additional treat!
There were quite a few preview reviews and critiques here by audience members in the first week of performances of the show, but almost nothing since then.
Is there a reason that no one is posting comments on current performances?
Shouldn't the excitement be ramping up as "Opening Night" approaches or have the less than stellar reviews in London dampened the level of anticipation?
Should we be concerned?
I think that it is obvious that all of us want this production to succeed.
You know, before the previews, this was mostly a fan board. Since then, a few folks have submitted more negative views and I feel as if I have to contain my thoughts. I haven't seen the show and won't (because I'm a midwesterner with little opportunity to travel) for a while. I still come here looking for information, however, as others must be doing. If you have gone to the show, share your thoughts. Please!