"Broadway on Broadway" the annual, free outdoor concert in Times Square is scheduled for Sept. 16.
Presented by The League of American Theatres and Producers and the Times Square Alliance, the annual event will begin at 11:30 AM. Over 50,000 fans are expected to enjoy the concert that includes performances and/or appearances from stars of Broadway's musicals and plays.
This year's concert also features the announcement of the winner of Broadway's Biggest Fan Competition. Theatre lovers are invited to submit a one-minute video showing why they consider themselves Broadway's biggest fans. Visit www.BroadwaysBiggestFan.com for details.
The Broadway Fan Zone will also make its debut at the Sept. 16 concert. The first 100 fans who arrive dressed as their favorite Broadway character will be able to enjoy the concert from a special VIP area located near the stage.
So who's going to win a trip to NYC? Or dress up as Sandy?
This year's event will honor Broadway fans in two separate ways. "Broadway's Biggest Fan" competition asks fans to submit a 60-second video on why they are Broadway's biggest fan by August 20. The three finalists, who will be judged via online voting, will win a trip to New York City and their videos will be broadcast on a jumbo screen in Times Square during the concert.
In addition, there will be the Broadway Fan Zone, a VIP area near the stage that will house the first 100 fans who arrive at the concert dressed as their favorite Broadway character.