Does anyone know (maybe Laura's mom would know the inside scoop) if they ever asked Laura to become a blond for this role or if it was the original intent of Kathleen Marshall to reprise Sandy as a brunette? Just wondering since I love the fact that they've stuck with her original color but I was just curious if it was ever an issue?
Laura was never asked to change her hair color. I think hair color was only an issue in the minds of some of the public who just had a preconceived notion (based on the movie) that Sandy should be blond. Other Broadway Sandy's have been brunettes so I don't think hair color ever really mattered to those involved in producing the show--at least as far as I am aware of or have ever heard.
Oh, thanks so much! I know that is a silly question. I was at a get together this weekend, my friends who watched YTOTIW (and who knew that we had just seen Grease) were sitting around wondering this (it was a slow night, I guess!). I really didn't know how to respond and now I have the definitive answer! Thanks! The debate was that such a big deal was made over Max's hair on the show but not much was said about Laura's. They were wondering if a blonde had won what would have happened, blah, blah. I just never really questioned it and wasn't sure what the truth was. Okay, enough about hair, I think Laura is beautiful just the way she is and it was so refreshing to see that they didn't ask her to change a thing!
My memory is that Sandy was not a blond in the original show. If I am wrong someone will say something. It was probably the movie, artificially set as the standard for Grease in many minds, that started the question.