We just saw Grease on Broadway last night (Wed Aug 30). I thought I would pass along a few thoughts on my experience. (please note I am not a regular theater goer, I have done Phantom, Le Mis, Miss Saigon and the like, a few years back though, but other then that, not much else!)
We went on Wed night, the evening performance at 8 p.m. I went with my hubby, three kids (ages 9, 10, and 13) and my mom who is 70.
The first thing I noticed was the number of children in the theater. Many , many people brought their children. I thought that was great, being able to introduce kids of all ages to theater with a great show that they would enjoy. And, in my particular experience, it was fascinating to note that I heard NONE of the children during the show, I think that speaks volumes on how Grease held their attention for the ENTIRE duration of the show.
A side note, we were in New York for a week, and saw Mary Poppins while there on the Sunday before, and my kids got a little fidgety with Mary Poppins, but were totally involved with Grease for the whole show.
The second thing that struck me was the change in the overall theater atmosphere. At Mary Poppins and at grease, there were people going up and down the rows at the theater selling items, and drinks were allowed into the theater during the show (at least the kid drinks in the spill proof cups). I really did not like this too much, personally speaking. I guess I felt it took away from the overall atmosphere and made it a little too commercial. But thats just a personal opinion.
The show itself: We all really enjoyed it, even my mom! The audience was totally involved, cheering after every song, and a big old standing ovation at the end. The feeling of the audience was a bit electric, and far more fun then Mary Poppins. I thought girls may faint when old Max walked out on stage for the first time! lol
The music director/conductor was fascinating in herself. I found myself watching her, and the band frequently. They were very good. I loved where they were located (I wont say where, that could be a spoiler!)
Max was very good. He really was. I was impressed that he pulled it off. I never had doubts about Laura, but I was not sure if Max would translate well on the stage from TV, would his quirkieness show? But it totally came through. And he is a perfect rebel/cool teen boy.
Laura has the most amazing voice. In every song she did, she commanded attention, and was flawless. What a powerhouse she is, and she was totally underutilized! The thing that bothered me is 1) she had less of a part then Rizzo or even the other pink ladies!!!! 2)Her character is barely developed, and on top of that, I hated the script that was written for her. The story line is not developed for her in the way that everyone elses is. What a bummer! (again, please note, this is MY personal opinion, your mileage may very -YMMV) That said, every time she sang, she gave me chills, I just wanted to see more of her.
Rizzo was excellent, she had a great voice, and a great part. I know that others have said she steals the show, but in MHO, she had a better part in the script then Sandy.
The rest of the cast were really good, except for Knickie, (again, my opinion). He just was a non entity, and for the first half of the show, i kept having to figure out which guy was knickie, he just did not stand out.
I loved the part on Beauty school dropout. The actor that played the teen guardiean angel was FANTASTIC - he played the part over the top perfect. Cant say enough about that.
The sets - I thought they were pretty good, but after seeing Mary Poppins, I would say that the Grease sets were not as good as them. (and, by a long shot too,,,, the sets on Mary Poppins were mind boggling - but then again, the mouse has a lot of money!)
After the show, we went out and joined the crowds waiting for the actors to come out of the side door. We were not disappointed. After about fifteen minutes, they started to come out (doody was first, and boy he had a great voice too, I forgot to mention that!). We waited, we were third row back from the barrier, and Max and Laura came out. They must have signed autographs for 20 minutes, they were so kind and wonderful to the kids. I think just about everyone who wanted an autograph got one. Those two were class acts. I cant imagine how tiring that performance would be, but they stayed longer then any of the others (side note, I think Knickie just left, he didnt sign anyones, but I cant be sure, because maybe I did not recognize him? Marty and Jan did a lot of autographs too) Sony and the other boys were very recognizable.
Ok, thats all I can think of to say. I hope this review helps any others who are planning to attend the show, especially if they have kids. It is a GREAT way to introduce your children to the theater!
Your comments made me smile. Very glad your family had a great time! Come to Broadway more often.
I assume (and correct me if I'm wrong) that you're new to the stage version of Grease, considering your gripes about Sandy not having much of a part. They really beefed it up for the movie and this revival. If you think she has little time now, you'd be flabbergasted by how little time she had in the original production. The original, original script (hardcover, not the yellow version) is available at most libraries...if you're interested in reading it, try and check it out. It's a quickie hour read, tops.
You are right, I have never seen the original Broadway production. I will check and see if I can find the script the next time I am in the Library. Thanks for the tip!
I think broadway shows is an expensive addiction I have just passed on to my kids, but hey, there are worse addictions out there!
I really loved your review and critique. I have tickets for two nights in front row 101 just before the orchestra pit to see Max and Laura on Broadway on February 12 and 13, 2008. I have never been to a Broadway Show. I live in the Chicago Area and have seen Musicals and Plays over my 58 years maybe 6 times. But I knew I had to splurge and come to New York City and Broadway to see the New Grease on Broadway (YTOTIW) with Laura and Max.
I watch them on TV from the beginning and it made my Sunday Nights and renewed my love for music and musicals. I rooted for Laura and Max all the way. I, too, wish the part of Laura had her more on stage and singing (like Max). I would love to hear Laura cut a record and sing some of the older songs like Peggy Lee and other great singers of the past.
I have searched this site and the internet for all the previews, reviews and videos and audios of Max and Laura and about Grease on Broadway and I know some of the reviews were not what I liked to hear. But most were fair. And most were complimenting Laura and Max's Performances and Jenny Powers the most.
You really make me excited to see Grease on Broadway in February, 2008. This is my dream come true. My friends know that I am very frugal and do not indulge myself like this. But to see Laura and Max on Broadway, I am exhuburant. I still can't believe that I have planned to do this. I hope in February , 2008 that Laura and Max will still have the desire and energy to give out graciously their autographs at the Stage Door as they are presently.
Once again, thanks for sharing your joy at seeing Laura and Max's performance and all of the Grease experience with all its cast with us who view this site and love checking on it every day!
I view this site regularly, but have never posted anything. So you truly reached me with your enthusiasm.
Thanks for your reply. I am glad my review helped someone!
We watched YTOTIW religously because of my daughter Emma Rose. Since she was about 6, she LOVED Grease, and watched it non stop on video. Some kids watched disney videos constantly, my little girl watched grease! Some kids dressed like Disney princesses, mine dressed in black leggings, tank top and my old high heels, dancing to the final scene of grease,, your the one that I want song. She would (to my horror I may add) pretend to smoke a straw, and crush it out, just like Sandy.
Anyways, all she asked for her birthday was to see grease on broadway. For months she begged. We live in Canada, so its not like this was a simple request. In April, my DH said, why not make the family vacation in New York this year.... and get tickets for Emma.
We did, and did not tell her to her birthday which was July 31. I found this site while doing some research for our trip, and have found it very, very helpful.
I have to say, I did not expect to succeed with the autographs of Max and Laura and the cast after the show. I can't say what it will be like in February of next year, but from our personal experience in August, almost ALL of the cast was SO VERY good about signing autographs.
We stood around the barricades right outside the show... lots of people stood across the road though, and as soon as the actors finished with the fans on our side of the street, they would cross the road and sign the others. (We left after I got Max and Lauras, we had an early flight out the next day so did not stay too long) so I cant say if they crossed the road or not.
After reading some previews from some other people, I was concerned about the show. I was especially concerned because we bought Mary Poppins tickets (my mom really wanted to see this) and I wondered if grease would be a let down after seeing MP. That was not the case. Grease was every bit as entertaining as MP in my humble opinion. In many ways it exceeded MP. You will not be disappointed in the show.
We voted on the computer after every show of YTOTIW. From the first night (when the judges were not keen on Laura, and why the heck was that? I thought she was the best girl on the first night myself) we always voted for Laura. Her voice is tremendous. It was perfect on broadway too. I will say though, her part in the broadway production does not do her justice. The Sandy character is just not a main player the way Danny's was. That would be my only disappointment.
Anyways, thanks again for the response, and here is hoping you have an awesome time in Feb!
i am so happy Emma that you and yours had such a great time. Your daughter sounds adorable. My daughter liked to dress up like that too from an early age. We went to the Disney store when she was less than 2 years old. We stupidly took our eyes off her for a moment and she was gone. We looked for her a few seconds and found her stripped down to her diaper trying to put on a Cinderella character outfit. It was really funny...who even thought a baby would have a thought of what they wanted to wear. She recently went to her prom and wore a pink poofy princess like dress while the style now is slinky. More proof on how you are just born with some things.
I actually think some of the reviews are off mark. I think there is a strong bias in some quarters about the play that will not change and are not even realized by those people. I also think some do not realize that some of the changes from the movie are intentional. And then there are so many that don't realize the "sanitized" version of the play is what many people prefer for themselves and their family right now. Vicki you will have a great time and it was so smart of you to get tickets for 2 shows. After the first you will want to see it again, we did anyway. And it is great that you will get to sit so close. It is an amazing experience. I would guess that the actors will continue to come out every night. And you have two shots at it anyway!
Thanks (EmmaFan) for response to my e-mail to you and your daughter (right).
I am glad that we can all have some great pleasure as this is by seeing Grease which sounds like you, your Mom and your daughter, had their dreams come true by seeing Laura and Max in Grease on Broadway.
My dream will come true in February, 2008 to see Grease..
Until then, I look forward to enjoying every one's comments from this site and also to get CD I preordered for this Grease production. I will probably play it over and over, but that's okay.
I have to say after watching the TV show with Laura and Max singing their songs and from all the different songs all the contestants sang, that it caused me to buy the Orginal Cast Productions for Grease (Movie), Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Wiz, Cats, Peggy Lee Album with Fever and then new ones Spring Awakening, Shout, Mamma Mia, Fame Becomes Me, High School Musical 1 and 2 along with so many other albums which I have put on my IPOD around 3200 songs. I am hoping so much down the line the Laura and Max will make musical CD recordings in the future of some of the songs they sang in Grease and on the Grease TV show. I know a lot of their fans would buy them.
Now I just have to figure how to put the DVDs copied from my TIVO of all the GTWOTIW TV shows and put them on my IPOD. Anyone know how to convert them to ITUNES IPOD? I am new at this!
I never realized how much music can inspire you until the Grease TV show renewed my desire at 58 years old to listen to more music again. I have my IPOD in the car, at work and even when I am outside and when I am walking.
Thanks again for updating us about your family's Grease on Broadway experience!!!!
burn it on a dvd then put it in your computer and use Handbrake"" which is a free shareware on line it will convert the file and place it directly into your itunes folder.