I'm starting to watch it now! It was hilarious, I logged onto BWW not expecting anything new, and so I jump in my chair and I squaled. So now my day is even better!! As if getting a new Chocolate phone wasn't enough!! YAY!
EDT: ...and it will let me watch about halfway through, and then it stops and goes back to the begining :( So I guess I'll just have to try and try again.
-- Edited by BroadwayDream101 at 00:28, 2007-09-04
Hi, I'm Lauren. "Sing till you're breaking glass or you're breaking down"
I was also sooo excited to see it on BWW - I was sooo not expecting it, Im kinda sad they didnt change any of the show footage in the beginning - I didnt get all the way through it - it stopped in the middle for me too I hope they fix it soon! Cannot wait for the Danny and Sandy version!