Allison will be in a benefit concert , Its on january 14th at raritan highschool in hazlet new jersey. and its for a girl in hazlet new jersey who has cancer. All the proceeds are going to go to her and her family. we encourage evryone who has the possibility to go, please do it, you'll enjoy it, and for the rest of people who want to help andc can't go, the fanclub it's organizing a collection to help her, and email with the information will be post to all of you, and please WE NEED YOUR HELP!!
*Allison formará parte en un concierto benefico que será en el instituto de raritan en hazlet nueva jearsey, el concierto es para una chica que tiene cancer, todos los fondos recaudados serán enviados a la familia. Os animamos a todos los que podaís a acudir al concierto, lo vais a disfrutar, y para el resto d ela gente que quiera ayudar, el club de fans va a organizar una colecta para todo aquel que quiera dar un donativo para la causa, se os enviara un email con toda la información, y por favor NECESITAMOS VUESTRA AYUDA!!