Does anyone know why I cannot locate the video Max sang with Ashley, "It Takes Two"? I remember seeing it online at one point. I just loved the two of them together in that.
Are you talking about the one they did on the show or the one they just did playing around and lip syncing?
The one on Max's site was from the show and it is no longer available until someone posts it again. I will see if my husband can do it tomorrow. There is a new one on youtube of them singing to the song from one of their rehearsal tracks and it is very cute. I would paste it, but dont know how to do that.
I was speaking of the one from the show. I love the "goofy clip"; however, I loved when Max and Ashley performed it on the show. They had so much fun and I love when Ashley gives Max a kiss on the cheek!! I just rewatched the video clip; it even got my 4yr old daughter asking me when I was taking her to NYC to see Max!! Maybe if he goes on tour and comes to Baltimore......
Thanks Rachel and Eris for being so quick to respond!!