O.K., I'm sorry to bore everyone with the weather but when there's nothing else to talk about...what's a person to do? In Minnesota we are DYING for spring as we have had a long, cold winter and it's not done! It is rainy/snowing as I write this and we are due for 6-12 inches of new snow over the next 24 hours here! Who can stand it? Laura said it is over 70 degrees today in New York. I think I'm moving! What's it like in your part of the country? Maybe I'll come visit you!
It was gorgeous here in NYC today. Just one of those days that make you feel really great about waking up in the morning...of course, when I woke up the the fog was as thick as soup. But it burned off and was incredible for the rest of the day. Supposed to rain this weekend, though.
In Montreal it is in between... There is almost no more snow... and it is getting hotter every day... but it can change within 2 days... so I take as much sun as possible before it gets cold again...
Jane, I really don't want to rub it in too much but it's been spring in Charleston, SC for the last 2 months. During that time we have had temperatures in the 70s and 80s about 1/3 of the time. It's been a little rainy but the dogwoods and azaleas are in full bloom. We'll pay for it however this summer when we'll have temperatures and humidities in the 90-100 range.Thank God for air conditioning. Oh, by the way, we'll also have to worry about hurricanes.
In Reno, March came in like a lion with a horrible wind storm, but left like a lamb and in the middle of it Spring arrived. Usually, Reno gets a few weeks of Spring weather in mid-March, then at some point in April or May, it drops to freezing and snows on us again, so we never know! But it's warm, beautiful and the fruit trees are in full bloom.
But, there's still snow on the Sierras and I think the skiing is mighty fine.
I feel bad telling you Jane as you're getting snow, but spring has definately come to San Francisco! It was 80 degrees and sunny today. Even our lilacs are in full bloom. Being a native New Yorker, I had to plant lilacs in my yard. They don't do as well here but I get enough blooms to make me happy every spring!
Ohhhh, flowers, lilacs, blooming fruit trees...how pleasant to think about. The good news from here is only a slight ground cover of snow so far (more potential for tonight) instead of many inches. It stayed warm enough to mostly be a rain/snow combo which caused more of the snow to melt on impact. Last night it was thundering and lightening while it was snowing! Weird! But gloomy grayness still hangs over everything. I had one little crocus flower that peeked through the ground and I can see our tulips and daffodils trying to come up too. Maybe there's hope! The robins are back--that's one good sign! When I'm hanging in our beautiful back yard by our swimming pool this summer and some of you are sweltering in the Carolinas and in California and in the New York city heat and stuffiness...maybe I'll bring this topic up again! Ha! Ha! Thanks for responding and nice to know many of you are enjoying a nice spring where you live!
i live about 50 miles from nyc and it's getting so nice out! i've been wearing capris or skirts with flip-flops to school everyday. i jumped from uggs to flip-flops in a week haha
the weather is finally warming up. it's been between 50 and 60 all week. i love it!